Litter "V" Information:
Benelli / Rev
Litter ID: V-BR_2019
FDSB Litter #: 2019107123
Whelp Date: January 29
Take Home Date: March 19, 2019
Litter Count: 5 males / 4 females
Dam: Hickory's HOPE for Birds
Call Name: "Benelli"
Whelped: January 21, 2011
Coloring: Tri-Belton
Bloodlines: "Hunting with Hank" Bondhu
FDSB #: 1625703
OFA #: ES-8955G30F-VPI
Owner: Hickory Hollow Llewellins
Sire: Houdini's Wind'em Revelation
Call Name: "Rev"
Whelped: January 5, 2012
Coloring: Tri-Chestnut
Bloodlines: Blizzard/Bondhu
FDSB #: 1648762
Hips: OFA GOOD (G/G/E)
OFA #: ES-9852G74M-VPI
Eyes: No historical issue
CERF: (n/a)
Owner: Randy Herman
Price: $1100 male or female
This is a repeat breeding. We loved our Litter U pups so we are doing this pairing again.
Benelli is a great-great-grandaughter of Hank from "Hunting with Hank" and is of Dashing Bondhu & Advie/Blizzard lines. She has a track record of producing extremely "field aggressive" and birdy pups that are outstanding hunters with the majority of the pups being natural retrievers. Therefore we prefer hunting homes for these pups.
Benelli has been OFA certified hips GOOD and eyes CLEAR.
Rev is a Houdini stud of Blizzard/Bondhu lines that includes Highway Dan. He is a high-headed, high-tailed dog that is full of energy and hunts with an average range checking in frequently with natural retrieve and honoring. He has a history of producing pups with tons of natural ability, style and sweet disposition. Clients have reported 14-17 week old pups hunting, pointing and retrieving to hand with a soft mouth.
Rev's hips are OFA GOOD and eyes clear. He is currently 6 years old with no history of eye health issues or problems with pups.
Check out this litter's PEDIGREE.
Pictures of Rev: (click any photo to view a larger image)
Reservation Status:
We have one female pup available, Vista. Please contact us for more details. Asking $800.
*All reservations are secured with A $200 deposit.
Note about Status Codes:
D=Reservation is definitely set for this litter only.
P=Reservation is preferred on this litter, however a pick hold is also placed on another litter so one of the two reservations will be going away.
H=Reservation is a placeholder for pick position on this litter, however a different litter is preferred, so this reservation may go away.
Once reservations are finalized to "D" for definite, preferred or hold reservations for other litters will be eliminated and other reservations will move up.
The Pups:
MALES (#4, #6, #7, #8, #9)
Puppy # 4
Call Name: Vegas
Gender: Male
Colors: Orange (O)
Born: 5:31 am
Weight: 14.2 oz
Length: 9 1/4 "
Amt of Ticking: Light to Moderate
Personality: This cutie-patootie is an active, outgoing, playful and inquisitive pup with a spunky attitude. He's full of energy with a happy-go-lucky personality. He likes to explore and get into things, but he's also probably one of the more "people oriented" male pups, he's a lap lover and snuggler and enjoys human attention. He gets along well with his siblings, but can be a play instigator with any littermate he encounters and is usually the one doing the pouncing, although doesn't appear to be a bully.
Birth to 6 weeks pic:
New Homes:
Puppy # 6
Call Name: Vortex
Gender: Male
Colors: Tricolor (WBT)
Born: 6:51 am
Weight: 14.7 oz
Length: 9 1/2"
Amt of Ticking: Moderate
Personality: This gorgeous guy is one of the more laidback males with a soft and gentle demeanor, however he is probably the most explorative of the pups, crawling into the farthest nooks and crannies of the cottage but then checks back in frequently throughout his expedition. Stocky and stout, this one will be well built for busting through heavy cover, not to mention he will be quite a handsome gentleman as an adult with his classic setter look and thick luxurious coat. Thus why we want to ensure he will be evaluated as a potential stud to be added to our breeding program in the future.
Birth to 6 weeks pic:
New Homes:
Puppy # 7
Call Name: Vincent
Gender: Male
Colors: Chestnut Tricolor (WCT)
Born: 7:50 am
Weight: 13.0 oz
Length: 8 1/2"
Amt of Ticking: Moderate
Personality: The most sweet, gentle and laid-back of the males, this darling boy will probably end up being your couch potato companion. This pup is one of the first to crawl up on your lap for attention, chews on you with a soft mouth and then is so content he just takes a nap. He is the one that sits back and watches the others before getting involved and is so easy-going that he doesn't let much phase him. Even Violet pouncing on him won't ruffle his feathers, he just wiggles his way free without so much as a complaint. He's super friendly and snuggly, with an overal contented attitude and is just happy being wherever hs is at the moment.
Birth to 6 weeks pic:
New Homes:
Puppy # 8
Call Name: Vyron
Gender: Male
Colors: Tricolor (WBT)
Born: 8:10 am
Weight: 12.3 oz
Length: 7 1/2"
Amt of Ticking: Light to Moderate
Personality: This little guy is what I call a middle-of-the-road dude. He's not a bully or the underdog, and not too high strung or too laid back. He isn't known to be a complainer and seems to get along well with everyone. He's people oriented, but also balances that out with aloof time and exploration. He's inquisitive and likes to check things out, but he will eventually find his way into your lap for some snuggle time. His build is not too stocky and not too slender and has just a perfect well-rounded personality to go with it.
Birth to 6 weeks pic:
New Homes:
Puppy # 9
Call Name: Valentine
Gender: Male
Colors: Chestnut Tricolor (WCT)
Born: 11:24 am
Weight: 13.9 oz
Length: 7 1/2"
Amt of Ticking: Heavy
Personality: This handsome boy got all his daddy's great looks. He's inquisitive and loves to explore every corner of the cottage so he tends to get into everything, but will check-in regularly for some attention. He also has an amazing nose. He smelled momma's dry kibble in her food bowl that was up on a shelf on top of a food bin (about 2.5 ft off the floor). He was determined to find the source and crawled into the laundry basket on top of the pile, then up onto the shelf to investigate. After pulling him away from the area, he was persistent in going back several times to find the food source. He is one of the pups that constantly tries to climb out of the playpen over the slider door, and finally was able to do it. He is one of the more vocal pups.
Birth to 6 weeks pic:
New Homes:
FEMALES (#1, #2, #3, #5)
Puppy # 1
Call Name: Vanna
Gender: Female
Colors: Lemon (LM)
Born: 3:39 am
Weight: 12.2 oz
Length: 7 1/4"
Amt of Ticking: Moderate
Personality: This beauty is truly a little doll baby. She will lay in your arms very contentedly just staring up at you with her gorgeous baby blues and completely melt your heart. She is a laid-back happy puppy that doesn't get upset or whine about much. She is very reactive to your voice and was the first pup to start giving puppy kisses. She is a good playmate, sometimes being the instigator and at other times she's on her back being pinned without complaining. During playtime she checks in more frequently than most pups for some attention. She has a very even temperament and an overall darling personality.
Birth to 6 weeks pic:
New Homes:
Puppy # 2
Call Name: Violet
Gender: Female
Colors: Chestnut Tricolor (WCT)
Born: 4:20 am
Weight: 13.3 oz
Length: 7 3/4"
Amt of Ticking: Light to Moderate
Personality: Sometimes this little gal can give Vivian a run for her money as being the biggest aggressor during playtime. She has a spunky attitude and is a play instigator so she will initiate play with any littermate that crosses her path, but does NOT like to be pinned and will stand up to her attacker. Her independent attitude leads her on expeditions away from the other pups and she tends to get into things. On the flip side, she is a sweet girl that loves affection and regularly checks in for some lap time and then settles down nicely for a cuddle.
Birth to 6 weeks pic:
New Homes:
Puppy # 3
Call Name: Vista
Gender: Female
Colors: Chestnut Tricolor (WCT)
Born: 4:21 am
Weight: 11.2 oz
Length: 7"
Amt of Ticking: Moderate
Personality: This cutie-patootie is an active, outgoing, playful and inquisitive pup with a spunky attitude. He's full of energy with a happy-go-lucky personality. He likes to explore and get into things, but he's also probably one of the more "people oriented" male pups, he's a lap lover and snuggler and enjoys human attention. He gets along well with his siblings, but can be a play instigator with any littermate he encounters and is usually the one doing the pouncing, although doesn't appear to be a bully.
Birth to 6 weeks pic:
New Homes:
Puppy # 8
Call Name: Vivian
Gender: Female
Colors: Tricolor (WBT)
Born: 5:58 am
Weight: 13.3 oz
Length: 7 3/4"
Amt of Ticking: Moderate
Personality: This little girl is tiny but mighty with a big attitude. She's fast and furious, probably the most alpha of the females and that's why she stands out at this point. She is a petite little gal, but she doesn't let her size stop her. She's smart and knows what she wants and makes a beeline straight for it and gives her bigger siblings a run for their money at the milkbar. She is one of the first to come when the puppies are called and seeks your attention by crawling up in your lap. She has an adventurous spirit and explores everywhere in the cottage, doesn't appear to be intimidated by anything and is the last one to crash after playtime. She can be vocal at times.
Birth to 6 weeks pic:
New Homes:
Miscellaneous Photos: Birth Week (Click on the thumbnail to supersize a photo)
Miscellaneous Photos: Week 1 (Click on the thumbnail to supersize a photo)
Miscellaneous Photos: Week 2 (Click on the thumbnail to supersize a photo)
Miscellaneous Photos: Week 3 (Click on the thumbnail to supersize a photo)
Miscellaneous Photos: Week 4 (Click on the thumbnail to supersize a photo)
Miscellaneous Photos: Week 5 (Click on the thumbnail to supersize a photo)
Miscellaneous Photos: Week 5 (Click on the thumbnail to supersize a photo)
Video Clips:
"Nursing Pups" -- Video taken 02/01/2019 @ 12:35 AM
It's mealtime for Litter V and all the pups have worked their way up to the milkbar. At barely three days old, just watch how vigorusly the pups nurse and knead the teat to keep the milk flowing. This is nature in it's rawest form, the pure and natural instinct in these little ones to survive always fascinates me.
"Little Busy Bodies" -- Video taken 02/15/2019 @ 4:15 PM
The pups are starting to see so well that they now know when momma is around but not in the box with them. Benelli had been pacing around the edges of the box peeking over and checking in on them and they knew it. They were pretty stirred up and were calling for her to come in and give them some attention.
"Newfound Freedom" -- Video taken 02/27/2019 @ 12:03 PM
The playpen renovation is finally to a point where it's usable and the pups were recently released into their new 9'x5' enclosure. They were really getting bored with the 4'x4' whelping box and with nine pups in there were basically busting at the seams and ready to get out. This is a video of their first few moments of newfound freedom.
"Percussion Session" -- Video taken 03/08/2019 @ 9:11 AM
This video was taken during a noise conditioning session with the pups and as you can see I have a captive audience. They don't seem to be affected at all by the raps, taps, clinks, clonks and bonks that I am making which is exactly the reaction I want. At times they were even distracted by momma Benelli and would rather give her their attention than some random noise. By the time the pups leave here, they won't be phased by anything, even when clanking together a couple steel food dishes above their heads like cymbols, they won't cower or run away, but instead they will be jumping up at them trying to get to them.
"EVERYTHING is a Toy!" -- Video taken 03/12/2019 @ 3:35 PM
No need to buy expensive toys for pups, they can make anything and everything into a play thing. This video shows several examples of puppy playthings, from a broom, chair, door stop, feed bag, doggy door, momma's shoes and everything in between!
"Puppy Chirps" -- Video taken 02/09/2019 @ 9:07 AM
I wanted to share with you what the puppies sound like right now since the LIVE Puppy Cam doesn't transmit audio. The pups are using their voices more and more lately and when they get going their yips almost sound like chirping (starting around 1:04 and again around 1:20-1:24 and on).
"First Cereal Meal" -- Video taken 02/24/2019 @ 8:00 AM
This is the start of the weaning process for the 3 1/2 week old pups in Litter V. They are being fed a mixture of goat's milk with Gerber baby rice cereal. I allowed the pups with the least weight gain over the past few days to have first crack at breakfast and also held a couple back because they already had mostly full bellies from a recent nursing session. L to R clockwise: Vyron, Vegas, Vivian, Vanna and Vortex. Benelli kept trying to get in there and clean up the pan, but the pups weren't done eating yet so had to shoo her away a couple times. I also paused and restarted the video to add the remaining pups.
"Feeding Frenzy" -- Video taken 02/28/2019 @ 10:54 PM
When I first come into the puppy cottage, all is calm and quiet and the when the door closes the pups are usually roused from sleep. Once the dinner pans start clinking the pups GO CRAZY! I have to put in my ear plugs just so I can stand being in the room to finish preparing the weaning meal. Here's a glimpse into the routine and how the pups react. Once the flood gates are open look out! The pups come running out, find the food bowl and literally GO TO TOWN! Thankfully it gets quiet again while they are chowing down. Once the weaning meal is gone they pursue momma for a milkbar dessert, however she's not having it. She is also helping with the weaning process by not allowing them to nurse.
"Recall Training" -- Video taken 03/08/2019 @ 9:16 AM
The recall cue is the most important of all obedience commands to ensure the safety of your dog. Here at Hickory Hollow we start this training early to help instill this behavior in our pups. As you can see, most of the pups are eagerly coming when called already at 5 weeks of age. The recall should be practiced repeatedly using the command of your choice to produce consistent results, and the pup should be rewarded each time for the correct behavior. In this case they are rewarded with praise and attention.
Personality Profiles:
The pups will be given a temperament rating around 5 weeks of age based on the following observations: Interaction, Play, Cradle, Call back, Tuck and Pat, Bend over, Nose kiss, Toe squeeze, Startle sound, and Uplift.
Temperament Types:
Active (A) - Smart, interactive, spirited, intelligent. Pups need owners who have the time and determination that is needed to train them.
Neutral (N) - Relaxed, undemanding, well-rounded pup. Perfect for all family types.
Passive (P) - Reserved, shy, submissive. Pup needs owners that will respect the pups limitations and devise ways to coax the pup out of his/her shell.
The Tests:
Interaction: (A) jumps right into play (N) hangs out in the midst of activity (P) stays on sidelines
Play: (A) hyper (N) easy going (P) just wants to be petted
Cradle: Lay pup on back and cradle in arms
(A) kicks like crazy (N) wriggles a bit then relaxes (P) relaxes immediatelyCall back: back away from puppy with a toy
(A) races after you jumping and nippin at ankles (N) follows happily (P) hesitates or needs coaxingTuck and Pat: sitting in chair, settle puppy between legs and stroke pups's back
(A) wriggles free and nips (N) wriggles then relaxes (P) enjoys the petting and relaxes immediatelyBend over: approach puppy then lean over to pet him/her
(A) jumps at face (N) relax and lets it happen (P) cowers and retractsNose kiss: cradle pup's face in hands and eskimo kiss, nose to nose
(A) bites your nose (N) accepts and calmly returns affection (P) pulls backToe squeeze: gently squeeze the pup's skin between the toes
(A) attacks hand (N) licks or mouths gently (P) cringesStartle sound: make a loud unexpected noise (like clanking two stainless steel pans together)
(A) agressively approaches the source of the noise (N) nonchalant glance or stop and listen (P) cowers or withdrawsUplift: lift puppy 4" off the floor cradling the midsection(A) wriggles and bites furiously (N) relaxes and looks around (P) looks fearful and constricts posture
All A's" - This is a dominant puppy, bright and interactive. Raising the pup will take concentration, consistency and time. Pup's favorite expression: "What's next?"
All N's - Easygoing and contained, this pup will be pleasant and self-assured, though perhaps not terribly motivated to follow your agenda when it conflicts with his own. Pup's favorite expression: "Is this absolutely necessary?"
All P's - This pup has a weak self-esteem and needs your reassurance to feel safe. Without proper lessons and socialization, the pup will be shy. Pup's favorite expression: "It's been three minutes, do you still love me?"
Mix of A and N - This puppy will want to be in the middle of everything but will show slightly more impulse control than a full-on Active pup when stimulated. Pup's favorite expression: "Let's do it again!"
Mix of N and P - This self-assured puppy will be easygoing and gentle yet with a stronger sense of self than a completely passive pup. Because the pup is more composed, it will be an ideal puppy for a calm house. Pup's favorite expression: "Another belly rub please!"
Excerpts taken from
Web Log (Litter V): (from most recent at top)
Friday, April 19th, 2019 (Week
11, Day 85) I am so excited to
report that Vista has finally found her forever family! She was visited by
Jason and Kristie Augustin today along with two of their daughters and they
fell in love with her. She is going to be a perfect fit into their
active and on-the-go dog-friendly family. She gets to keep her Litter V name
and will have an active and wonderful life with them filled with exciting
opportunities to get out into the world and experience all kinds of fun
things, including hunting and hiking. We are just thrilled for her and her
new family, she is such a sweet and well-behaved pup. What a GOOD FRIDAY it
has been indeed!! |
Thursday, April 18th, 2019 (Week
11, Day 84)
Wednesday, April 17th, 2019 (Week
11, Day 83) Vista has been back at
Hickory Hollow for 3 weeks now after receiving an alarming diagnosis of
Megaesophagus from a vet in Kansas City, but since being home I have
literally seen no evidence of this disease since that first evening on March
28th. This history has led me
to seek another opinion from my trusted vet Dr. Jen Feuerbach at Frey Pet Hospital, so
I forwarded the barium study films (15 total) to her for review and scheduled
an appointment with her for a consult today. I thought it would be a good
idea to have my vet actually see her, do a physical, lay her hands on her,
listen to her lungs and evaluate her current condition. Dr. Feuerbach said
Vista looks good, healthy weight, no fever, her heart sounded perfect
and her lungs were clear; all physical signs are within normal limits so we
are happy about that. So, In Dr. Feuerbach's
review of the barium study done by the diagnosing vet, she indicated that she
cannot confirm the original diagnosis of MegaE because in her opinion the
barium study is inadequate. She further expounded on her statement saying
that there is a formula for figuring out barium dosing for the study based on
each individual dog and in Vista's case it appears not enough barium was used
to coat the entire esophagus which is required to see it's overall size and
shape. Instead, only parts of it are highlighted at different points in time
throughout all the related films. Since the esophagus is not entirely
highlighted by the barium, the entire study is inadequate to confirm the
diagnosis of MegaE or rule out Persistent Right Aortic Arch (PRAA) which
could be responsible for an enlarged esophagus that can be corrected with
surgery. She also indicated that MegaE is extremely rare in puppies of this
age and that they usually see cases where the dog is much older before a
diagnosis is made usually after a history of having recurring bouts of
regurgitation, inadequate weight gain, or a diagnosis of aspiration
pneumonia. Dr. Feuerbach further
indicated that in a couple x-rays she could see that the esophagus looked a
little enlarged in her upper throat, but that alone does not warrant a MegaE
diagnosis because it could've been swollen from recent trauma (an isolated
choking incident unrelated to MegaE) which caused her family to take her to
the vet in the first place or due to a congenital defect called PRAA. In
addition, her family had never reported any history of the other
tell-tale signs and symptoms associated with the disease before the diagnosis
and had just had her to the same vet three days prior for a wellness puppy
exam and she had received a clean bill of health which further makes the
diagnosis suspect. Then Dr.
Feuerbach asked me what "special measures" I am taking with
her at home such as sitting her upright while eating like in a Bailey
Chair or feeding her food in chunks like meatballs and she was surprised when
I said I am doing nothing other than using an elevated food bowl about
4" up off the floor and she's been doing just fine. I also described how
she plays roughly with her littermate Vanna, then gulps mouthfuls of water
and returns to playing without so much as a cough or sputter or regurge of
the large amount of water she just drank. She was also surprised by that statement. So, our course of
action at this point was to take additional x-rays during today's visit which
she will send to a board-certified radiologist for further evaluation. Then
we will know more and how to proceed with further diagnosis if necessary. After
her initial glance at today's films she indicated they "looked
good", so at this point I am cautiously optimistic that her MegaE
diagnosis could be overturned. I'm anxious to hear what the radiologist has
to say about the new films. Today's consult has certainly introduced a new
twist in this ongoing saga. |
Friday, April 12th, 2019 (Week
10, Day 78) Vista is available
again, her latest family backed out, not sure why because I was not given
specifics, but she still needs a new home. Asking $800. |
Tuesday, March 28th, 2019 (Week
9, Day 63) I have GREAT news to
report, Vista has a new home! She will be going to Davenport next weekend to
live with the Mosher family and will have two young children to play with and
another dog named Willow. She has been doing
really well since she got back, no more coughing or any regurgitation noted
since that first evening. She's been eating free choice out of an elevated
food bowl and I haven't witnessed any recent issues with her whatsoever, so
we are cautiously optimistic that she will do just fine in her new home as
well. |
Thursday, March 28th, 2019 (Week
8, Day 57) Vista is back at
Hickory Hollow, she was returned today around noon and Vanna and Vyron
were glad to have her back, another playmate, YAY! Benelli appeared shocked
at first when she went to visit her pups in the cottage that we now have
three again. Her reaction was fun to watch, she literally did a double-take,
LOL. I have been watching
Vista closely since she returned for signs of her MegaE condition. She is
doing some coughing, in short, soft little puffs, seemingly due to an
irritated throat I'm assuming because of all the recent palpation of her
esophagus and trachea during her recent diagnostic procedures, and not
because she's trying to clear her bronchial tubes. I am pleased to
report that when I fed the pups, she ate well and her belly appeared to
be full so food is getting in there. I think part of the worry with MegaE is
malnutrition for lack of food getting to the stomach, but at this point I
don't think that will be an issue for her. She did regurgitate a small part
of her dinner during playtime tonight after running around and romping
roughly with her siblings on a full stomach, so next meal we are going
to ensure she remains calm for about 30 mins after eating. I am also feeding
free choice too and will try to always keep food in the bowl, which allows
her to eat a little bit every now and then instead of gorging on a meal all
at once. This particular time she had eaten a lot at once because the bowl
had been empty so I believe that contributed to her regurgitation episode
along with the fact that her throat is irritated. We'll see going forward. |
Wednesday, March 27th, 2019 (Week
8, Day 57) We received some sad
news today, Vista will be coming back to Hickory Hollow after being diagnosed
with Megaesophagus. Her family took her to the vet when they thought she was
choking on a foreign object. Her presenting symptoms were coughing, gagging
and dry heaves. MegaE is a congenital issue where the esophagus is slightly
enlarged which affects the peristaltic action that moves food to the stomach.
Since this process takes longer than in normal dogs, the food can get caught
in the tube and cause issues. Much of the food will eventually reach the
stomach, but can also be regurgitated which may cause the pup to breathe in
(aspirate) the contents during the process. This could cause aspiration
pneumonia in severe cases. I have personally
spoken with the diagnosing veterinarian and he indicated to me that she has a
mild case of MegaE and that he has seen much worse. Apparently the underlying
cause for this disease is a neurological one and there is a possiblity that
as the pup ages she will grow out of the condition once her neurological
system is completely developed. On the other hand, there is a chance
that her condition will not improve or could get worse. He did a Barium
Study on her where they have her swallow barium liquid and take x-rays at
predetermined times after the swallow. I have copies of these films that I
could share with those considering providing her with a home in case you
would like to consult with your veterinarian about her case. She will be coming back
to Hickory Hollow under my puppy health guarantee so we are looking for a
home for this special girl where her condition is understood and will be
managed properly. If you're interested in taking on this special needs pup,
please contact us or fill out our Adoption
Application to get the ball rolling. |
Saturday, March 23rd, 2019 (Week
7, Day 53) Two more pups left the
nest today. First Vegas's new mom
and dad, Alan and Kelly, drove over from western Iowa to get their new baby.
His name will be Jaxson, just "Jax" for short and will have the
opportunity to hunt with an older and experienced Irish Setter. Later, Valentine met
his new family. He will be headed north to Minnesota with the DeBruyckeres --
Arlyn, Kim, Kathryn and Jamie -- plus their 14-yr old setter named Jack who
has been watching the LIVE Puppy Cam and the YouTube videos anticipating his
arrival right along with the rest of his family. Valentine's new name is
Remington ("Remi" for short). We heard that Remi and Jack have
become fast friends as Remi snuggled up to Jack for most of the ride home. We've had really good
reports so far on several of the pups that have traveled long distances
saying they've done just great! We're excited for their new adventure-filled
futures. Only two pups remain,
our darling Vanna and her brother Vyron who will be going home the following
weekend. |
Friday, March 22nd, 2019 (Week
7, Day 52) A couple more pups
have gone home recently, one on Wednesday and again today. Vincent flew to South
Carolina to meet his new momma Lindsay, his new name is Tracker. He will be
tagging along with his momma to work frequently as she works at a veterinary
emergency and trauma center in Columbia. Here are a few photos at the airport
and after Vincent arrives home with Lindsay and Tony. He loves his
Snuggle Puppie which accompanied him on his flight and has been a great
surrogate for his missing littermates. Vortex went home today
with his new daddy Cole. His name has been shortened to just "Tex"
and he'll be living about 3 hours away in southern Minnesota. He will have
lots of opportunities to hunt and reach his full potential. We are excited
about Tex becoming part of the new Hickory Hollow Llew Crew if he passes his
health testing you will see him again as the sire to HHLS litters in the
future (looking forward to 2021!). Thanks to everyone on Facebook that played
the Name Game to help us come up with an official registered name for Tex on
his pedigree. Congratulations to Angela Renken who suggested the name
"Hickory's Tex's Hold'em", we're sending a free HHLS t-shirt for
submitting the winning name! |
Tuesday, March 19th, 2019 (Week 7, Day 49) Week
7 Developmental Milestone: Pups go home! Now is the time the
pups are able to embark on a new life and head out to their new homes. Most
of the pups in this litter are staying here in the midwest, Iowa, Kansas,
Minnesota, and Wisconsin, but one pup is lucky enough to be headed to warmer
weather in the south to South Carolina. They are SO ready to leave as they
are tired and completely bored with their playpen and are ready for so much
more. They are now creatively destructive, and have figured out that there is
a rubber mat under all that pine bedding, so last night they unearthed
it and had it pulled way back, chewed a couple holes in it and made a
mess! They've had their 6 week distemper/parvo vaccination and are eating the
dry kibble really well and are now fully weaned. They're so ready to get
outta here and embark on a new adventure! Puppy portraits for
week seven will be taken with their new families for the pups that are
leaving this week. And speaking of, Vivian was the next to leave
today. Her new dad (Randy from Houdini Llewellins in Minnesota) came down
from the frigid north to get his little girl today. He was able to see the
beautiful litter that his boy Rev sired. He commented on their conformation
and was impressed, not to mention smitten with his new baby girl. Her
new name is Levee and we're looking forward to seeing her as part of the
Houdini breeding lineup in the future! |
EVERYONE! Hope you have fun on the holiday and get to enjoy some
corned beef and cabbage along with a green brewski! (yeah, I don't really do
that either...) We have a St. Patrick's Day parade in our town of Cedar
Rapids so lots of folks go enjoy that. Should be a good day for it
weather-wise. In the meantime, we are preparing for pups to start going home! As has been the trend
with this litter where things are happening a little early, one pup flew the
coup today, LITERALLY! Violet's new daddy Jeff is a pilot, and so her
family flew up in a private plane from Manhattan Kansas to pick her up. We
met them out at our little local airport in Vinton only just 12 miles
away which was really convenient for all of us. Violet was a great traveler
both on my lap on the way to the airport and also on the kids' laps during
the flight to Kansas. Here are a few photos for you to enjoy! Violet's new name is
Timber and she will have an older Llew sister (actually half-sister named
Stella -- aka Odessa, Litter O -- they share the same momma, Benelli!)
and two human kids (ages 9 and 10) to play with. They are also looking
forward to flying back up in a few months to pickup her niece, a new little
pup from Litter W! |
Friday, March 15th, 2019 (Week
6, Day 45) Week 6 Puppy Portraits
have been posted. Sorry I'm posting so late week but it truly is 1 week later
than the day the pups were photographed last week, plus I've been assembling
puppy document packets in preparation for pups going home in a couple days
already, one is headed out this Sunday. Again, it's amazing to see how much
they've matured in only 1 week. I hope you will continue to take their weekly
photographs for a while after they go home, time goes by so fast and it's fun
to have these early photos to look back on. |
Thursday, March 14th, 2019 (Week
6, Day 44) Time is drawing
near... the time when pups fly the coup for better days, so I'm enjoying the
last week I have with them here all together. They are getting so
bored with the space within the walls of the puppy playpen and are thankful
to get out for playtime in the cottage which has become chaos with 9 pups
doing their own thing. Now is the time when stepping over the pups is no
longer allowed, rather I have to shuffle my feet because if I were to step,
no matter the strategy for picking a place for footfall, it would wind up on
a pup somewhere, usually tails or feet. They want and love to be
underfoot, literally, except when stepped on! I just posted a video
from March 12th which I titled "EVERYTHING
is a Toy!" and it's true. No
expensive puppy toys are needed when anything and everything around you can
be played with. This is why the Puppy Cottage is so chaotic right now,
it can be challenging to keep track of them all! Johnny and I took the
Week 6 Puppy Portraits which will be posted soon. They turned out SO CUTE (but
how could they NOT considering the subject matter), so stay tuned for that! |
Tuesday, March 12th, 2019 (Week 6, Day 42) Week
6 Developmental Milestone: Fully weaned / Eye color changes This week, the puppies
are considered fully weaned because they are eating dry kibble, are drinking
water from the automatic water bowl and no longer nurse on momma. They
follow her around but don't really try to nurse from her any more. Their eyes will noticeably
start to transition from their current baby blues to their final adult color;
gold (chestnut pups) or brown (black pups). It's too bad they have to lose
those beautiful baby blues so soon... The transition takes about a week or
so and the color mix during the transition is neat to see. Here's how the pups
weigh-in at 6 weeks old:
Pups were microchipped
today for those folks who requested that service and all the pups were given
their first Distemper/Parvo vaccination. |
Today the pups had an
eventful day when my sister, two nieces and a friend came out for the
afternoon to visit and provide the pups with some socialization. We laid a
blanket on the floor of the puppy cottage and let the pups loose! It was
total chaos for about 15 mins, then the pups settled down and played nicely
for about another 45 mins or so before cashing out. I was able to capture
some really awesome closeups of the pups with my phone camera which are
posted above with the other miscellaneous litter photos for Week 5. The
rubber ball toys in the photos are called Hol-ee Rollers and come in
several different sizes and colors and are perfect for these little pups
because they are easy to pickup and carry around. I just love the
personalities of the pups in this litter, just like the last one between
Benelli and Rev, these pups are overall just so sweet and easy going and
fun to be with. The pups are now eating
dry kibble exclusively so sometimes I will leave some in a food bowl in the
playpen with the pups so they can get a snack when they need to. Momma
Benelli still spends the night out in the Puppy Cottage tending to her
babies, but spends the majority of the day back in the house with us. She is
not allowing the pups to nurse at all anymore, but is still concerned about
them and asks to go out and check on them frequently. |
Saturday, March 9th, 2019 (Week
5, Day 39) The older the pups get,
the longer their play sessions before they cash out for nap time and right
now they are certainly evolving into little monsters. They attack and chew on
whatever part of you they can sink their piranha teeth into so playtime
wasn't as fun as before. They are also extremely inquisitive and into
EVERYTHING, so nothing in the Puppy Cottage is safe. Now is when I have to
start corralling them in a gated pen while I'm cleaning so they don't
interfere as well as chew up something they shouldn't while my attentions are
elsewhere. These pups certainly are a lively bunch. The pups are large
enough now that I have removed the platform from underneath the waterer and
replaced it with stepping stones. The pups got the hang of that pretty
quickly. Violet likes to hang out underneath the water dish and lay inside
the circle of stepping stones with her head propped up on one. I think she
feels safe under there, just like our adult dogs like to go hang out and
sleep in their hard-sided kennels. This is partly why I think crate training
is such a great idea. The dog has it's own place to retreat
into giving them the feeling of safety because they are surrounded on
all sides by the kennel walls. It's also a great way to help house
train young pups and keep them safely contained during times when
they cannot be fully supervised. FYI, we strongly DO NOT recommend wire
crates for several reasons, so please if you're going to crate train your
pup, get a hard-sided airline-approved type kennel. |
Friday, March 8th, 2019 (Week
5, Day 38) I think my potty
training efforts are starting to pay off because during playtime I have
noticed that many of the pups are now returning to the playpen to potty, YAY!
For the accidental messes on the cottage floor I quickly cover with pine
shavings so the other pups don't step in it and get messy. I've also noticed
that once there's shavings on the floor, they will gravitate to those areas
to pee, so they are definitely making the association with the shavings and
potty. This is good, these pups are very smart! The noise conditioning
exercises are also going well. This morning I recorded a video titled "Percussion Session". As
you can see I have a captive audience while performing all sorts of taps,
raps, clinks, clonks and bonks. The pups aren't phased by any of it, in fact
at times they were distracted by momma and would rather give her their
attention than some random noise.This is great and is exactly why I'm doing
these exercises. In an effort to provide
you all with more videos, I have also uploaded a short BONUS clip
titled "Recall Training". One
of the most important things you should teach your dog during obedience
training is the "come" or "here" command. At Hickory
Hollow we start the recall training early to help instill this behavior.
Using whichever command you choose, the recall should be practiced
using the same command repeatedly to produce consistent results, and the pup
should be rewarded each time for the correct behavior. In this case they are
rewarded with praise and attention. |
Thursday, March 7th, 2019 (Week
5, Day 37) Puppy selection went
smoothly over the past several days and am happy to report that most of the
folks were able to get either their first or second pick pup which is wonderful!
This litter is now officially all spoken for since all the pups
have been selected, meaning no one opted to roll their
reservation to the next litter leaving a puppy available in this litter. The weaning process is
still progressing nicely. The pups are currently eating dry kibble and canned
food without adding water to soften any more and I have upped the feeding
frequency to 4 times per day instead of three times since momma Benelli is
not spending as much time out in the Puppy Cottage anymore and therefore is
not supplementing meals by nursing as frequently as she used to. Pups are
still gaining weight nicely. Quick note to mention:
BLOG posts will be a little more infrequent now as I am going to be spending
the majority of the time taking care of the pups as well as preparing the
documentation for puppy packets to send with clients on pickup day. Week 5 puppy portraits
have been posted above. ENJOY :0)~ |
Tuesday, March 5th, 2019 (Week
5, Day 35) Week
5 Developmental Milestone: Puppy Selection / Noise Desensitization /
Socialization / Potty Training This is one of the most
anticipated times in this process for many because of Puppy
Selection, although for the males the picks already started a few days
ago. All the folks on our reservation list will now be able to choose
the pup they want to make a part of their family and take home in a couple
weeks. Now that the pups are
old enough to have visitors, they will have lots of opportunities for
socialization with our big dogs, adults and children. I will also continue to
concentrate on acclimating them to noises of all varieties so by the time
they leave they will be desensitized to strange sounds. During each play
session I will start incorporating what I call "percussion
sessions" into the mix. During that time I will make a variety of
different sounds while increasing then decreasing volume and
severity including tapping on metal pans, knocking on walls, stomping
the floor, opening and closing of doors, running a can opener, playing
christian pop music on the radio, and whatever else we can think of to
condition them for life after Hickory Hollow. The pups are also in
the first stages of potty training. Some of the pups have already started to
figure it out and will return to the playpen to potty during playtime. Those
that don't and start to potty on the floor are swiftly airlifted and placed
into the playpen to finish the job. This reinforces the area where I desire
them to potty. By the time they go home, they associate the "place
to potty" with the pine shavings so I always suggest taking home some of
the shavings from our playpen to place in the yard when potty training pups
to go outside. That association with the pine shavings and the place to potty
can help speed up the house training process. Here's how the pups
weigh-in at 5 weeks old:
Pups are now being fed
a mixture of dry kibble (NutriSource Puppy - Small and Medium Breed) and
canned food mixed with hot water to soften. This is the last week of weaning
because by the end of this week the pups will be eating solid dry kibble and
momma's milk will be removed from the mix. The pups need to be on solid
dry food for the last week they are here so they will be ready to leave at 7
weeks. Miscellaneous litter
photos from Week 4 are
now posted! ENJOY :0)~ |
I'm excited to report
that Puppy Profiles are FINALLY done! After evaluating the pups over the
course of several play sessions and then performing the temperament-type
testing, I think we now have a well-rounded idea of the pups' current
dispositions. None of the pups were frightened by a startling noise, they
stopped and listened and some sought out the location of the noise, but none
cowered and ran in the opposite direction. All the pups reacted well
when presented with the pheasant wing, they were excited by it, tried to snap
at it and followed it readily when it was moved away from them. Please note these are
simply my observations at this point, as the personalities of these pups will
continue to develop throughout this first year and can be shaped by training
and other environmental factors. In a couple more weeks it will be up to
their new families to provide guidance with a gentle hand and training for
these pups to be the best that they can be. Please check out
the Puppy Profiles section
above. |
Sunday, March 3rd, 2019 (Week
4, Day 33) Puppy selections have
started already which is great! I usually wait until 5 weeks before requiring
a selection to allow everyone adequate time to see how the pups are
developing and after the personality profiles are posted. Vegas was chosen
last evening by the first pick folks who came to visit the pups
yesterday. Therefore, we can proceed with the male picks as folks are ready
to make their decision. We are still waiting to know which female Houdini
Llewellins will choose, so we will proceed with the female selections after
that pick has been made. This morning at
breakfast I served the pups their meal in two flying saucer bowls. This alleviated
the pile up on the pans. They are now being served canned puppy food mixed
with a small amount of goat's milk (because I still had some on hand) to make
it a little softer than directly out of the can. Pups are still eating
with gusto and clean the pans in literally 60 seconds or less. I am planning to work
on more personality profiles this afternoon along with doing the temperament
type testing so stay tuned for that. |
Saturday, March 2nd, 2019 (Week
4, Day 32) The pups had special
visitors today. Two of the families that will be getting a pup from this
litter came to meet them and form their opinions so they will be prepared for
puppy selection that is right around the corner on Tuesday March 5th. The
first thing one of the couples said was that they were so much smaller in
size than they imagined. Yeah, we get that a lot. It is really hard to tell
size in their weekly portraits because there is nothing to gauge against.
Right now the pups are weighing in around 4 pounds and are on average a
little less than a foot long from head to base of tail (not including
the tail). The pups did not
disappoint during the visits, they were full of energy and we had a fairly
long play session while the first couple was here before they finally cashed
out. The second play session wasn't quite as long as the first, but the pups
got their second wind and were able to be interactive for a decent amount of
time. During those sessions I jotted down some notes to add to the
personality profiles so a few more of the pups have been updated. I
also checked on the amount of ticking I think they will have so I added a
ticking prediction for some pups near the top of their stats. UPDATE: The first pick
pup folks were one of the couples that visited and on their long journey home
made the decision to choose Vegas. He has now been marked as
Friday, March 1, 2019 (Week
4, Day 31)
The pups have graduated
from the single flat feeding pan to the flying saucer pan already. It's quite
a bit larger and has a cylinder in the middle to try and help keep pups
eating on the outside edge of the pan, but after only a couple meals using
the bigger pan I've already realized that the need even more room.
I will add a second flying saucer pan soon so that everyone has a fair
share of the meal. These pups are growing so fast! During today's weigh-in
I checked all the pups' bite alignments and everyone looks good at this
point. Poops are also looking good, nice color and well formed which is a
huge plus with the food transition they are currently going through. Their
eyes are already starting to change color a bit, they used to be so blue, but
are now are turning more grey. Pups will get their
third deworming dose this evening. |
Wednesday, February 27, 2019 (Week
4, Day 29) The pups are finally
able to roam free in the entire puppy playpen! We were able to get the slider
door frame mounted and the playpen set up with fresh pine shavings, a kennel
bed and a newly revamped platform under the waterer. After several
litters, the rubber on the platform was chewed on all corners and coming off,
but now it's like new again! I also captured the pups first moments in
their new enclosure in a video clip I titled "Newfound Freedom". Click here to
see all videos for this litter. By now you've probably
already noticed the new view from the LIVE Puppy Cam. Thanks to our new HP IP
Cam, we have a broader field of view and can see the entire playpen
area whereas before with the older camera we could only see about
half of it. Week 4 puppy portraits
have also been posted for your viewing pleasure! ENJOY :0)~ |
February 26, 2019 (Week 4, Day 28) Week 4 Development
Milestone: Rough Play Play behavior started
early in the pup's third week, but this week it will turn rough and rowdy
with pouncing, pinning, biting, head shaking, chewing and growling. By the
end of this week I will lovingly refer to them as "my little
monsters", because they will bite and chew anything they can get their
mouths on, including their siblings, show laces, toes, ankles, fingers and
long hair. A play session on the floor with the pups can be painful at times
and sensitive areas of the body need to be protected! As their personalities
emerge this week, I will start posting puppy personality profiles as they are
realized in preparation for Puppy Selection starting next Tuesday! Here's how the pups
weigh-in at 4 weeks old:
Weaning is progressing
nicely, the pups are enjoying their special meals and everyone is eating with
gusto. For breakfast today I started mixing in canned puppy food along with
the goat's milk and baby rice cereal to start adding more flavor and bulk. A few
of the pups noticed Momma Benelli's food bowl and even started trying to
munch on the dry kibble so I promptly removed the bowl. The kibble is
too big and hard and I don't want them to choke on it. After a meal I let the
pups explore and play for a while and get all the pooping done before putting
them back in the box. During playtime I noticed Vivian was interested in the
automatic water dish which is mounted on the wall. Since she's so little yet,
it's mounted way too high for her to properly investigate so she was sitting
up on her haunches to get a better look. I lifted her up to allow her to
inspect, she dipped her nose in the water, got startled, then tasted it and
put her head back down and started drinking! She lapped a good drink a few
times, I was really impressed. She's a smart one. I repeated the process with
a few other pups to see if they were also thirsty and none of them were
interested. Miscellaneous litter
photos from Week 3 are
now posted above. I've also begun to formulate Personality
Profiles for each of the pups and will post updates as things
develop. |
My silent partner has
been hard at work again behind the scenes here at HHLS. Last evening we got a
call from a concerned neighbor that a young cougar had been spotted in the
area and that the DNR was actively tracking it. In order to further protect
Benelli and our precious pups out in the Puppy Cottage, John went out at 9:30
pm in the bitter cold and 40 mph winds to install protective fencing across
the top of the Puppy Cottage's dog run. It gave me peace of mind that Benelli
and pups would be safe and that a wild animal whether cougar, coyote or
raccoon would not be able to get into the cottage through the dog door. Oh
the joys of country living! Now on to more exciting
news, the pups all gained a significant amount of weight since yesterday
morning's weigh-ins after starting the weaning process. They were fed two
weaning meals in addition to momma Benelli's normal nursing schedule. Here's how the pups
measure up today: (notice the jump in weights!)
Lastly, I am excited to
report that I have posted our breeder pick as Vanna. Randy from Houdini
Llewellins (owner of Rev) is narrowing down his breeder pick. We have also
decided to sell Vortex with a stud contract for future breeding. This means
he can be selected by someone on the reservation list, but we will be picky
about where he goes. He obviously must be kept intact and preferably will be
selected by someone who will hunt him and who lives within a reasonable
distance so that we can use him to sire future litters with our HHLS girls. Quick update on the
cougar situation, the DNR reported back to my neighbor that the big cat
turned out to be a bobcat and has been dealt with, however if there's one
there's bound to be more in the area. 8-( |
Sunday, February 24, 2019 (Week
3, Day 26) The weaning process has
begun! Pups got their First Cereal Meal today which I
captured on video. See the Video Clips section
above. I started with the pups that have had the least weight gain over the
past few days so they could get a head start, then added the rest of the pups
in later. A couple of them still had fat bellies from their breakfast at the
milkbar. It will be interesting
to see the weight gain for the next few days after starting weaning with all
the extra meals the pups will be getting. Starting at 4 weeks, I usually
discontinue the daily weigh-ins and start doing them on a weekly basis, but I
plan to continue doing daily weigh-ins throughout the next week just to
ensure they are all gaining as expected. Here's how the pups
weigh-in today (before the first cereal meal):
Friday, February 22, 2019 (Week
3, Day 24) Pups have been
moved to the Puppy Cottage and are snug as a bug in a rug! Our LIVE Puppy Cam
is now broadcasting from the new location. Notice the new view (LIVE Puppy
Cam in the corner sitting on a duct taped shelf, LOL). I wanted to give you
an "up close and personal" view before the pups are allowed to roam
the entire playpen and the camera goes up higher and farther away so you can
see the entire area. I continue to feed pups
that are not gaining enough weight and hate to keep boring you with the daily
weigh-ins, but that problem should correct itself once the pups get going on
the weaning process which I plan to start this weekend. Here's how the pups
weigh-in today:
Week 3 puppy portraits
are now posted above, ENJOY! :0)~ FYI, I updated coat color again for
Vanna as I think she is going to be the rare lemon color. She has
a brown/pink nose instead of black. My prediction for Vegas may also
change from orange to lemon, but still keeping an eye on him. Time will tell! Pups were given their
second deworming dose today. Now off to the laundry
mat to wash all the whelping box carpets in the industrial giant-sized
machine! Oh I wonder what fun will I encounter at the local laundry mat on a
Friday night??? |
Thursday, February 21, 2019 (Week
3, Day 23) I hope you've
been tuning into the LIVE Puppy Cam more frequently lately as the pups
are doing some really cute things. I've noticed puppy tail wags, and
play behavior such as pawing at/chewing on each other and they are
becoming a little more active. They also come over to see me when I come in
the room and a few pups are already giving puppy kisses! I checked again today
and the ear canals still aren't fully open yet, but the pups are starting to
hear really well. They can be woken up from sleep with my voice or a
startling noise in the nursery. We have been
frantically prepping the puppy cottage for the big move after completion of
the new tile. We are almost there, all that's left is to build an entryway
door to the playpen so they don't escape, so starting tonight I will move the
whelping box out there to keep them safely contained until the door is
finished up tomorrow. Therefore, the LIVE Puppy Cam will also be in
transition sometime this evening. Boy am I looking forward to a good night's
sleep tonight and it's been a LONG time coming! Benelli has been getting me
up at least 2 if not 3 or 4 times every night to go outside. This has been
going on since early-pregnancy starting around mid-December and I'm just
exhausted from lack of sleep. Week 3 puppy portraits
were taken today and will be posted soon. They turned out SO CUTE I'm
just thrilled! The secret to getting good, sharp photos of the pups is to
catch them when they're milk drunk right after a meal, they tend to be in a
daze and don't move around a whole lot so it's fairly easy to snap some good
ones between yawns, LOL! |
Tuesday, February 19, 2019 (Week 3, Day 21) Week 3 Development
Milestone: Play Behavior / Weaning Begins This is my absolute
favorite time with the pups! Their eyes are open and they are noticing things
around them, they are hearing better so they react to your voice and other
noises and they are walking around and actually keeping their
balance and are becoming playful and inquisitive about their surroundings.
This week the pups will start playing with each other, bowing, yipping,
pouncing and gently chewing on each other. Their individual personalities
begin to emerge and they will begin to do some of their natural doggy
behavior for the first time instead of just sleeping and nursing all the
time. I will also start the
weaning process with the pups. Normally I start around 4 weeks of age, but
will probably start this litter a little early since momma Benelli is having
trouble producing enough milk for everyone based on the daily weigh-ins.
They will be fed supplemental meals from a flat pan on the floor rather
than tube feeding or from a baby bottle. I'll start with Esbilac Puppy Milk
Replacer mixed with Gerber baby rice cereal for the first few meals
so they can get used to lapping up and swallowing a thick porridge, then
transition to goat's milk with canned puppy food, then graduate to
canned puppy food mixed with soggy kibble, and later mixed with dry kibble,
then slowly remove the wet food until they are on solid dry. This progression
will happen through the next few weeks until they are given only dry
kibble starting at week six. The pups' ears are not
quite fully open yet, but they are definitely hearing things now. Today was
the first time I noticed a pup react to sound, Vyron turned his head and
looked toward the baby gate when the door snapped into the latch as I was
leaving the nursery. The pups are also
becoming quite vocal. Last night around 3 am we were serenaded for about a
half hour by a persistent pup that was howling for momma to come provide a
meal. Actual barking, versus yips, is becoming more and more frequent
which is another great reason to move momma and the babies out to the Puppy
Cottage soon. I'm looking forward to enjoying my first full night of uninterrupted sleep
since mid-December. Here's how the pups
weigh-in at 3 weeks old: (pups with weight loss
or not enough gain are in red and will be closely monitored and fed
supplemental meals when necessary to promote weight gain)
Miscellaneous litter
photos from the past week (Week 2)
have now been posted. ENJOY! :0)~ |
Monday, February 18, 2019 (Week
2, Day 20) I can't believe the
pups will be three weeks old already tomorrow, how time flies! Our petite
little Vivian finally crossed the 2 pound mark, which is a great milestone
for her! Since this litter is on the larger side and Momma Benelli has had a
hard time keeping up with the milk demand, I will plan to start the weaning
process a little early just to ensure that they are getting the appropriate
amount of food each day. Pups are getting around pretty well now, less
wobbly and with more stability, so they should be able to stand at the edge
of a food bowl and lap up dinner. Stay tuned for that later in the week. Here's how the pups
weigh-in today: (pups with weight loss or not enough gain are in red and will
be offered supplemental meals to promote weight gain). At this stage I am
also looking back two or three days and averaging the overal gain since
sometimes a significant jump in one day can mean they just ate a huge meal
which doesn't mean they actually gained that much.
Sunday, February 17, 2019 (Week
2, Day 19) As we are yet again
getting 6-8 inches of fresh snow dumped on us today, the pups are staying
cozy warm underneath the heat lamp. They are now cutting teeth, the sharp
points have emerged from the gumline so going forward their mouths will
be painful for both momma and my fingers! I have also witnessed a few
moments of the beginnings of play behavior between pups which is next week's
developmental milestone. Here's how the pups
weigh-in today: (pups with weight loss or not enough gain are in red and will
be offered supplemental meals to promote weight gain)
Saturday, February 16, 2019 (Week
2, Day 18) Today we spent the
majority of the day out in the Puppy Cottage applying grout to the new tile.
It looks so nice and I am really excited about it. We are now pressured
for time as it's just about up. The pups will be moving out to the cottage
next weekend so we are down to the wire to get the cottage put back together.
We still need to re-install the automatic waterer and the
doggy door and build a new removable sliding access door to the playpen
so we're not done yet. Meanwhile in the puppy
nursery, Violet escaped the whelping box while we were out working in the
cottage and was just chilling out with Momma Benelli when I came in to let
her out for a potty break. I promptly installed the half-door to the
box so we don't have any more little escapees! Here's how the pups
weigh-in today: (pups with weight loss or not enough gain are in red and will
be offered supplemental meals to promote weight gain)
Friday, February 15, 2019 (Week
2, Day 17) We did puppy pedis
today! All the pups got their nails trimmed as their little claws were
getting pretty long and sharp. Momma Benelli will have enough rough edges to
deal with once the pups' teeth come in, so the trim will help reduce the
scratches during nursing. A few pups also got
their first bath and blow dry today! We had a pooper in the bunch that
created quite a mess in the box and some of the littermates
got into it. They're still so small right now that I can hold them in one
hand and run them under the faucet. At this age I do not like to use shampoo
because I don't want to expose them to any chemicals, so basically they just
got a good rinsing. The poop stains their fur a bit, so I wasn't able
to get them completely white again. The process has already begun where
momma Benelli starts taking care of them less and less and I start taking
care of them more and more. I've been checking
their ear canals regularly and they are deepening for sure, but are not
quite open yet. I was thankful for that today when I was giving those few
pups a bath as it would not be good to get any water down in there first
thing. So now back to the old
familiar subject of weigh-ins. I am really happy to report that the
pups I have been giving extra attention to over the past several days are
making a comeback and their numbers look good today again without much
intervention yesterday. I am keeping a closer eye on Valentine now as he is
the one that has not gained enough weight for the past couple days. He was
given a supplemental meal at breakfast time and is being closely monitored
throughout the daytime. Here's how the pups
weigh-in today: (pups with weight loss or not enough gain are in red and will
be offered supplemental meals to promote weight gain)
Pups were given their
first deworming dose today. I also just posted a
new fun video called "Little Busy Bodies" in the Video Clips
section above. |
Thursday, February 14, 2019 (Week
hope you are sharing this special day with loved ones. I am fortunate to
have my wonderful hubby John by my side, who is a partner to me in every
way. He is a silent partner in this Hickory Hollow Llewellins business,
but he really does a lot behind the scenes. When I had been up for over 24
hours straight the night this litter was born and was completely exhausted,
he fixed me breakfast and prepared the nursery for the pups by setting up the
whelping box and the warming lamp among many other things. Raising these pups
is truly a labor of love, but I couldn't do it without him! I am also
surrounded by our loving Llews and nine beautiful pups that bring us great
joy! Here is a little something special for you on this special day of love! I am encouraged by this
morning's weigh-ins, both Violet and Vivian gained at least one ounce without
much intervention yesterday. I pray the trend continues. Violet's eyes are
fully open today. Here's how the pups
weigh-in today: (pups with weight loss or not enough gain are in red and will
be offered supplemental meals to promote weight gain)
Week 2 portraits are
now posted above. |
Wednesday, February 13, 2019 (Week
2, Day 15) The rest of the pups
eyes are open this morning (or mostly -- Violet is at 3/4 open), YAY!
Therefore, I plan to take the Week 2 portraits sometime today and will
try to get them cropped and posted soon. Also stay tuned for miscellaneous
photos from Week 1 later today. Violet continues to get
stronger and gain weight after an additional four supplemental meals
yesterday of about 30 mls each, however she's not out of the woods yet with
an overall weight gain of less than one ounce. Vivian is still staying petite,
but is a very strong little pup and nurses with the most gusto of any. Both
she and Violet received some extra fluids yesterday to help them stay
hydrated. At breakfast this morning, I purposely withheld the biggest piglets
(Valentine and Vincent) from the milkbar so the smaller pups could have a
better chance of getting a good meal. Violet was able to get a full belly out
of the deal, but Vivian still needed an additional tube feeding to fill her
belly. I did offer a
supplemental meal to both Val and Vincent since they missed their normal
milkbar breakfast, but they refused the bottle too so I gave them about 20 ml
each via tube just so they didn't skip a meal altogether. The last thing I
want is to cause the pups that are doing good to start going downhill. Also,
I have no worries about Vista's weigh-in this morning even though she weighs
the same as yesterday, because the day before she showed a significant amount
of gain (4.5 ounces -- probably due to a full belly because of a recent meal
at the time of weigh-in), so I have flagged her weight, just to ensure that
tomorrow she shows a normal weight gain spread over the three-day timeframe. Here's how the pups
weigh-in today: (pups with weight loss or not enough gain are in red and will
be offered supplemental meals to promote weight gain)
Week 1 miscellaneous
litter photos have now been posted. Stay tuned for Week 2 portraits. |
Tuesday, February 12, 2019 (Week 2, Day 14) Week 2 Developmental
Milestone: Cutting Teeth / Ears will open Now that most of the
puppies eyes are open or are nearly open, they will begin to see clearer and
clearer each day. Supposedly they can only see shadows for the first few
days, but pretty soon they will begin to notice me as I come into the nursery
and will wander to the edge of the box for some love and attention. Just as significant as
the eyes opening, the ear canals will deepen this week until they will become
completely open and allow the pups to hear crisp noises and not just muffled
sounds. Later this week, the pups will be noticeably affected by all the new
sounds around them, so we must be very careful for the first few days to
introduce them to noises gently and not harshly. They will also begin to
cut teeth, first the canines will poke through followed by the incisors a few
days later. Here's how the pups weigh-in
at 2 weeks old along with eye opening status: (pups
with weight loss or not enough gain are in red and will be closely monitored
and fed supplemental meals when necessary to promote weight gain)
Since not all the pups
have their eyes fully open yet, I will wait to take Week 2 portraits until
later in the week to allow them the time needed to finish opening. Notice many of the pups
are now hitting the 2 pound mark today. As a general rule, my vet says that
"normal" weight gain is approximately 1 pound per week, so most of
the pups are right on target. Valentine is this litter's "piglet"
weighing in at nearly 3 pounds, and little Vivian is lagging behind at a
little over 1-1/4 pounds. She is a petite little gal as compared to her
littermates. As far as the new
regimen for Violet and Vivian, they gained a good amount of weight overnight.
Violet is back to nursing on her own after pumping her full of over 100
ml of supplemental milk replacer meals yesterday, so her weigh-in number
looks good this morning and her hydration appears back to normal althought
she's still not as strong as I would like her to be so continued monitoring
today is a must. Vegas is the next pup that will be closely monitored
and maintained today. |
Well, I'm afraid to say
my fears are starting to come true with this litter as the same things are
happening around the same timeframe as Litter U. Due to morning weigh-in
stats not being as good as I expected the last two days, I have started weighing
a few pups two or three times daily to get a better handle on their
condition. It seems Benelli is running out of milk before the entire litter
is fed, so pups are losing weight and becoming weak and lethargic. The pups
that need supplemental meals (Violet and Vivian) are now refusing the bottle
for some reason, so I have had to resort to tube feeding them again plus I
have given them a drop of honey under the tongue to give them a suger boost
in case they are hypoglycemic. Since the pups aren't getting as much of
momma's milk as they should, I also noticed that they feel slightly
dehydrated (skin doesn't snap back as fast as it should), so I will be
starting them on subcutaneous fluids to help with hydration as well as the
tube feeding. I was really praying that this litter would go better
than the last one... I have upped
Benelli's meals to 3 per day (6 cups ) from 2 meals (4 cups per
day) plus a bit of Prescription Diet canned food to wet it all down and
a huge dollop of cottage cheese on the top. She always has free choice dry
kibble available too, but she's just too spoiled to eat much of that, but at
least it's there so she can eat it if she wants. She's also getting a
supplement treat called "Oxy Momma" for this litter which is
supposed to aid in milk production which I was hoping would help keep this
from happening. Here's how the pups
weigh-in today: (pups with weight loss or not enough gain are in red and will
be offered a bottle fed meal to supplement and promote weight gain)
Sunday, February 10, 2019 (Week
1, Day 12) Today's stats:
Saturday, February 9, 2019 (Week
1, Day 11) WHEW! The pups are now
pooping on their own and there is definitely a new odor in the house, LOL!
Up to recently, the pups had to be stimulated by momma to poo and
pee so she was right there to clean it up immediately, but not anymore! Now
that the pups are walking better, they are also strong enough to stand up and
do the poo squat. Luckily the poops I've actually seen are the correct
color and well formed. That is a blessing as compared to Litter
U at around this time where some of the pups were having white-ish
diarrhea. I'm thankful this litter is going much better. There has not been much
change in the eye-opening status, updates are posted with today's weigh-ins.
Again, we had one pup that lost a little weight since yesterday's weigh-in.
With 9 pups and only 8 milk faucets I'm not surprised and feel this
will be a continuing trend up until weaning time, however I'm grateful that
it's rotating through a different pup each day and is not consistently the
same pup which might indicate a medical problem. Here's how the pups
weigh-in today: (pups with weight loss or not enough gain are in red and will
be offered a bottle fed meal to supplement and promote weight gain)
Friday, February 8, 2019 (Week
1, Day 10) During this morning's
weigh-in, I noticed that Vincent was looking at me through one beautiful baby
blue! His left eye is completely open, although his right eye has not started
to open yet. This is very interesting to me for a couple reasons. In past litters,
it has been a trend that the smallest pups' eyes open first with the larger
pups opening later. Vincent is definitely not one of the smaller pups, in
fact, he's a strapping brute of a plump pup that hit the 2 pound mark today!
Secondly, it usually takes a couple days for eyes to fully open once they
start. I had checked all the pups yesterday for eye opening status and he did
not show any signs of them opening yet. So, to go from a status of "not
started" all the way to "completely open" in less than 24-hours
is really something! I've added eye-opening
status to the weigh-in stats for each pup so I can report on that too. Here's how the pups
weigh-in today: (pups with weight loss or not enough gain are in red and will
be offered a bottle fed meal to supplement and promote weight gain)
Also, during the Super
Dog exercises, I've already noticed some personality differences between the
males and females. Typically the females put up more of a fuss when being
held in certain positions, but the males tend to be more laid back and not
fight it, especially the larger males, Vincent, Valentine and Vortex. This is
a typical behavioral difference between the sexes in this breed
which continues into adulthood, I just think it's interesting that it's
apparent this early already. |
Thursday, February 7, 2019 (Week
1, Day 9) This afternoon I took
the Week 1 portraits of all the pups (now posted above). Wow, is that a labor
of love! I think the photo session lasted nearly an hour and I took
around 350 photos of the 9 pups, most of which landed in my computer's
recycle bin. Some of the pups cooperated and I got some good shots, but for
the rest I sincerely apologize for the lack of quality and not for lack
of trying. Puppies are extremely hard to photograph because they are constantly
moving, thus making for poor poses and blurry photos. It's such a shame
because the subjects are just SO CUTE, but really hard to capture in a photo.
By the way, these pups are now taking their first steps. I witnessed this
first hand today as some of the pups were getting pretty frustrated with
their photo session and just got up and walked off the set, literally!
:0)~ A few
of the pups eyes are almost ready to start opening as I noticed the
creases between eye lids are pretty deep now, the process will hopefully be
complete by the time the Week 2 portraits are taken. We had another good day
of weigh-ins, again most pups gained an acceptable amount but one, this time
it was Vegas who fell short. He gained some, but not enough so he was
given a milk replacer meal for breakfast and eagerly guzzled down about 0.6
ounce in one sitting. At this point I want the pups to gain a bare minimum of
1 ounce, but normal gain should be around 2 ounces or more. Notice Valentine
crossed the 2 pound mark already! A few days ago I thought Vortex would be
the first to reach that milestone with Vincent not far behind, but Valentine
surpassed them both, putting up a good challenge. Here's how the pups
weigh-in today: (pups with weight loss or not enough gain are in red)
Wednesday, February 6, 2019 (Week
1, Day 8) This morning we are
very thankful that we still have our home and everyone is safe, including our
adult setters and all nine puppies. We had a chimney fire last night!
It started around 7:30 pm as I was loading our wood stove with a few
more logs. Everything appeared normal, the stove was at optimal temperature
(not too hot) and there was a nice bed of hot coals but not many flames, so I
kept the doors open for a bit to let some of that warmth out into the room
and soak into my skin. But then I heard a huge rush of air that sounded like
very loud humming, almost like a freight train coming, and when I looked up I
noticed black smoke billowing back into the house at the junction where the
stove's flue pipe entered the wall to go up and out the chimney. The house
quickly started filling up with black smoke and all the talking fire
alarms started beeping and saying "There is a fire, get out
now!". I quickly closed the doors and all the vents on the stove
and ran outside to see if I could see anything going on with the chimney
up on the roof and against the black night sky I could see lots of orange
embers coming out. John wasn't home at the time, so I put all the dogs
outside immediately and called 9-1-1 and the Shellsburg Fire Dept came out. After they determined
the fire was out, they used giant fans to suction the smoke out the front
door so it got pretty cold in here with doors and windows open, I think the
outside temp at the time was around 14 degrees. I suffered a little from
smoke inhalation and coughed for about 45 minutes, but we are all okay. I had
closed the door to the puppy nursery so I don't think the pups were affected
by the smoke or the temperature as they were still asleep and snuggled under
the warmth of the heat lamp. Thank God the fire stayed contained in the
chimney and didn't spread to the house, the firemen said we were lucky that
the house had been constructed with a clay flue pipe surrounded by cinder
block all the way to the roof, otherwise they say chimney fires can easily
spread into the attic. This morning the house still smells a little smoky and
other than some black residue on the wall where the stove pipe enters the
chimney and some bubbling of paint on the cinder block chimney that comes up
through our mudroom, we haven't noticed any further damage. We will
have our chimney inspected in a few days and before we light another fire in
the stove. On a happier note, the
pups are still doing well with no apparent residual effects from last night's
episode. I am starting to check for eyes opening but nothing yet and will
keep everyone posted on those developments as they happen. There was
only one pup that needed to be bottle fed this morning, and that was Vortex
who is normally a little piglet and has plenty of weight gain in a day.
Otherwise all the pups had good weight gain since yesterday and little Vivian
finally weighed over the 1 pound mark! YAY Here's how the pups
weigh-in today: (pups with weight loss or not enough gain are in red)
Tuesday, February 5, 2019 (Week 1, Day 7) Week 1 Developmental
Milestone: Eyes will open During this week, the
pups will reach an exciting milestone. We are anticipating the opening of
their eyes. It should start happening around day 10 of this week and will
take a few days to fully open. When the pups are born, their ears and eyes
are closed to keep out the amniotic fluid and any bacteria encountered in the
birth canal. The eyelids are fused together but there is a crease that
defines the upper from the lower lid. As their eyes start to open the crease
starts to deepen and separate starting at the corner of the eye by the tear
ducts and working it's way across the eye until they are completely
separated. The opening process can take a couple days from the first peek of
the glistening eyeball beneath to being able to entirely see those beautiful
baby blues. Once their eyes are open, the precious little babes take on a
whole new personality. Here's how the pups
weigh-in at 1 week old:
Notice there are NO
pups in red today!! And bless her heart, I thought little Vivian was going to
cross the 1 pound mark when I first put her on the scale this morning,
but once the reading equalized it had dropped to 15.8 oz. This is still
a good gain for her over the last 24-hour period so I'm not complaining! Believe it or not, even
with as small as these pups are they are incredibly strong. I have to be very
careful when picking them up that they don't wiggle right out of my grip. If
you've watched them on the LIVE Puppy Cam, you have probably
noticed that they can powerfully and rapidly scoot across the carpet
with ease. They are also starting to bear more weight on their legs and are
now getting their little bellies up off the carpet more and more and it won't
be long before they are taking their first real steps. Miscellaneous photos
from Birth Week are
posted above. |
Momma Benelli is now
taking some frequent breaks from the whelping box to get away from the heat
lamp which is still needed to help keep the puppies warm. They will not be
able to regulate their own body temperature for a while yet, so they need the
extra heat from momma and the lamp. The pups are just so cute right now, when
Benelli is away and they want her back, they chirp and yip. It can get quite
noisy when all nine are doing this, but the noises they make are just as cute
as can be (right now anyway) :0)~ We had another fairly
decent weigh-in today, most of the pups are gaining steadily with a few
little piglets emerging in the group, but two of the pups didn't gain as
expected so they had a bottle fed meal first thing. The new Dr. Brown's baby
bottle makes this task a breeze and both pups readily accepted their
supplemental breakfast from the bottle without issue. This is a huge relief!
I will continue to monitor them throughout the day and add supplemental
feedings when necessary. Here's how the pups weigh
in today (pups with weight loss or not enough gain are in red):
Sunday, February 3, 2019 (Birth
Week, Day 5) ANOTHER DAY
OF GOOD NEWS! All the pups gained weight over the last 24-hour period!
Vegas was the only pup that was bottle fed yesterday, so they are gaining
weight on their own just from nursing. I pray this trend continues but
assume that due to the number of pups vs milk faucets at some point bottle
feedings will be necessary again. Here's how the pups
weigh in today:
I have also noticed
some golden hairs on Vegas's head, so I have updated his color to orange. I have started doing
the Super Dog exercises on the pups. You can read more about it here: |
Saturday, February 2, 2019 (Birth
Week, Day 4) MORE GOOD NEWS! All the
pups gained weight over the last 24-hour period! The bottle feedings really
did the trick and ALL the pups are now weighing in over their original
birth weights for the first time! Here's how the pups
weigh in today:
Friday, February 1, 2019 (Birth
Week, Day 3)
Dew claws were removed
today. |
Thursday, January 31, 2019 (Birth
Week, Day 2)
Here's how the pups
weigh in on day 3 (pups with weight loss or not enough gain are in red):
Wednesday, January 30, 2019 (Birth Week, Day 1) Today has been a busy
day again so far. Pups have been given a Litter V name, all body
markings have been mapped, birth week portaits have been taken and this
webpage updated. Notice the color of pup #1 has been changed from belton to
white/orange. This is because the orange hairs are so light they are almost
indiscernible at birth so yesterday I thought she was a belton, but upon
closer examination and in the right light, some of the hairs reflect golden,
thus I have changed my color prediction on her from belton to white/orange
which is also reflected in her body markings diagram. Pups are doing okay,
however several pups have lost some weight after their birth weight was
recorded yesterday. This tends to be somewhat normal for the first
day with a bigger litter, although like last litter I'm going to keep a close
eye on things. If you're comparing against past history like I will
be ("Litter
U" - Benelli x Rev) and know what a hard
time we had keeping weight on those pups, I am not going to get alarmed just
yet. Benelli has much more milk than last time, which we fought
from the very beginning, so that's a good thing in our favor this time. She
is feeding nine pups with only eight teats, so just need to make sure that
each pup is getting a fair share of the milk and all have a good rotation.
Here's how the pups
weigh in on day 2 (pups with weight loss or not enough gain are in red):
Tuesday, January 29, 2019 2:27 am: heavy panting
begins 3:38 am: PUPPIES ARE
COMING!!! Check out our Facebook page for
minute-by-minute updates and photos!
2:07 pm: Whelping is
now done, she has 9 beautiful pups as last Friday's x-ray accurately
predicted so I'm also done for the day and heading to bed for a nap after
being up all night. The LIVE Puppy Cam is
now online for your viewing pleasure. |
Friday, January 25, 2019 |
It was an exciting
morning for us, today we took Benelli to our vet for her pregnancy x-ray so
we could get a final pup count for this litter. Our vet is so cool, we just
love her, she and I examined the film and counted pups independently and then
shared our findings. I counted NINE pups and then she confirmed. YAY!
Now we just pray they are all born alive and healthy. Next up... Since I have
already started taking Benelli's temperature morning and night, now we just
wait for Benelli's temperature to drop indicating there are hormonal changes
going on in preparation for whelping. Stay tuned here and on
Facebook for minute-by-minute play-by-play on whelping day as I
will post info (and photos to FB) about each pup as they are born.
Thursday, January 24, 2019 Well, we are finally at
the point where Benelli is in her last week of gestation. I know she probably
wouldn't agree, but this is my favorite time in her pregnancy as we can now
feel the puppies moving in her belly and sometimes even see them kick or swirl
against Benelli's skin. She is still eating well but not as much eat meal
because there's just not enough room in there for her litter and a full meal
in her tummy. Same thing with her bladder, she is asking to go outside
about once an hour, and gets me up at least 2 or 3 times in the middle of the
night to go outside. I have started taking her baseline temperature
twice daily (morning and evening) to watch for the tell-tale temperature
spike and drop indicating hormones are changing and whelping will happen
soon. We are super excited
about our x-ray appointment tomorrow to determine final pup count. I will
post a photo so you can count as soon as I have it. |
Thursday, January 10, 2019 Happy New Year
everyone! Benelli is starting to get pretty big now, she's definitely
got the pregnancy waddle going on. She's got a good appetite and has been
eating well which I'm very happy about. Due to her age, I am also trying out
a new product called OXY MATE by Revival Animal Health, which is a
prenatal vitamin in a soft chew. I've been giving this to her ever since
she came home from being bred and will continue through whelping day.
She loves her morning "treat" and feels special that she's
the only one who gets one of these every day. We have an x-ray
scheduled for Friday January 25th to get a pup count, so stay tuned for
that! |
Friday, December 28, 2018 GOOD NEWS! I'm going to
predict with about 99% certainty that Benelli is pregnant! YAY! She laid down
and stretched her belly out for me this morning and I was able to feel at
least a couple chicken egg sized lumps along with the fact that overall her
belly is starting to pooch and show her pregnancy. She's also got a
great appetite and ate this morning with gusto, so I think her morning
sickness has passed. I am sticking with my
guesstimate of January 30-31 for whelp date so stay tuned as time gets
closer. The last week of her pregnancy I will be taking her temperature
twice daily to get a baseline and also to monitor her for the textbook
temperature drop which indicates she will be going into labor soon.
Stay tuned here and on Facebook for all Litter V news as it
develops. |
Sunday, December 9, 2018 We picked up Benelli
yesterday after her two-week rendezvous with Rev. We had six breedings
over an 8-day stretch (11/25-12/02) during that 14-day period, so we are
very optimistic about her pregnancy status at this point. Now we wait
for about 28 days to confirm pregnancy. Stay tuned for news during the week
of Dec 30th through Jan 5, 2019. |
Monday, December 3, 2018 I think we're past the
fertile period now, the dogs are not really interested in playing with each
other any more, so we are done breeding at this point. We had six natural
breedings so far since Benelli arrived at Houdini Llewellins. YAY!!
Thursday, November 29, 2018 GOOD NEWS, we've had a
few good breedings this week and the dogs are really showing a lot of
interest in each other now so ties are lasting longer. We are planning
to cover Benelli's entire fertile period with frequent breedings and
hopefully we will produce a good sized litter. |
Sunday, November 25th, 2018 This evening we got our
first confirmed breeding with Rev although the tie was short at only 15
minutes, usually ties last for at least 30 mins or longer, however any
length is a good sign at this point. The two were mildly interested in
each other but this was the first try and the breeding was successful.
YAY! |
Saturday, November 24th, 2018 Today we took Benelli
up to Houdini Llewellins in Minnesota, she already appears interested in
being bred according to her behavior with Sawyer (our future stud). We
thought it would be best to get her away from him and with her planned stud
for Litter V. |
Thursday, November 22nd, 2018 HAPPY THANKSGIVING
everyone! Today we confirmed that Benelli is in heat, so we are moving
forward with our plans to get her up to Minnesota to be bred to Rev at
Houdini Llewellin Setters. Stay tuned for updates as they become available.
YAY~ |